Ferric Ammonium Citrate.+Zinc+ Vit B6+ Folic Acid
Ferric Ammonium Citrate 200mg+Zinc7.0mg+Vit B6 1.5mg+ Folic Acid0.5mg+Vit B127.5mcg+Sorbitol 0.75mg
A balanced combination of well known ingredients i.e. Ferric ammonium citrate which is a complex salt of iron, ammonia and citric acid and is one of the best-tolerated iron supplements; Vitamin B6 that have an important role in production of RBC's and the important hematinic factors Folic acid and Zinc that are vital for DNA synthesis.
Iron deficiency Anemia, Pregnancy anemia, lactation, loss of appetite, general weakness and convalescence.
Ferric ammonium citrate provides an optimum tolerance of the iron preparation, which is of utmost importance in maintaining long term patient compliance to any hematinic therapy. It rapidly supplements elemental iron so that iron deficiency is quickly controlled, thus leading to faster correction of anemia and replenishment of tissue iron stores. Folic acid itself is biochemically inactive, is converted to tetrahydrofolic acid and methyltetrahydrofolate by dihydrofolate reductase in liver.
Nausea, regurgitation, constipation, pyrosis (burning sensation in the chest), upset stomach may occur with the use of hematinics.
Iron may cause your stools to turn black, an effect that is not harmful. GI effects can be reduced by taking it with food.
Oral iron may aggravate existing peptic ulcer, regional enteritis and ulcerative colitis.
Iron compounds taken orally can impair the absorption of tetracycline antibiotics. Antacids given concomitantly with iron compounds decrease iron absorption.
Peptic ulcer, regional enteritis, ulcerative colitis. Hemachromatosis, hemosiderosis and hemolytic anemia and all anaemias other than iron deficiency.